Why zuchinni and squash, you ask? Well, I had plenty in my weekly produce box and figured that it would be a nice gesture to make something nutritious for my boys, given that I'm Produce Mamma and all. I was also pretty wiped out from the weekend before (see Brunch 101) and wanted a vacation from the cutting board. As it turns out, making baby food can be a Zen experience—I was almost in a meditative state as I cut, steamed and pureed. Either that or I really need to get out more!
I was especially excited to use my new baby food storage containers: Baby Cubes. I love them because they’re made out of non-toxic plastic and can be used to freeze individual portions. If you don’t have a baby and could care less about baby food, just make a mental note of these cool things and get them the next time you need a baby gift.
And remember to tell those new moms to leave the zuchinni and yellow squash skins ON. That's where the nutrients are!
Here's a photo of my cast of characters (I decided to blend zuchinni with carrots and potato):

Once the veggies steamed for a long while and were really soft, I pureed in my Cuisinart and loaded into the Baby Cubes (zuchinni carrot puree shown):

The boys loved it and I was even able to get a few combinations out of it – the zuchinni carrot combo, the yellow squash alone, the zucchini combo mixed with the yellow squash, and the yellow squash mixed with fresh avocado (found that suggestion in the Avocado section of a very a cool and informative baby food resource, Wholesome Baby Food.com!)
The boys definitely liked the squash and I’ve been feeding it to them all week. Here’s a quick clip of one of the little monkeys enjoying his dinner. Mmmmm!!!!
I love the baby giggles in the video!! Looks like all of that would make a nice soup for grown-ups too.
Loving Produce Mamma!
message from toddler mama: when you make the puree, you could throw in some wheat germ for some extra calories too. can they have that now?
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